"Why Emily Dickinson Would Not Smile for the Camera." Eclectica 9.3. July/August 2005.
"Loyal Toward Reality."Are You Experienced? Baby Boom Poets at Midlife. U Iowa Press. 2003.
"Voluminous Underwear: Why I Write Self-Portraits." Essay written for After Confession: Poetry as Autobiography. Eds. Kate Sontag & David Graham. Graywolf Press, 2001. Reprinted in Valparaiso Poetry Review.
"Rain." (on Edward Thomas). RainForPoetry (April 1999).
"The Table Within: Notes on Emily Dickinson." Emily Dickinson International Society Bulletin 9.1(May/June 1997). Link.
"The Frightened Fawn of Sense: Mind & Nature in the Poetry of Miroslav Holub."American Poetry Review 14.6 (July/August 1987). LINK "Millimeters and Not Miles": The Excellence of Robert Francis.Painted Bride Quarterly, 1985.