Brainpickings. Online newsletter of important ideas, often featuring poetry. Link
Creative Writers Opportunities. Allison Joseph's invaluable compendium of contests, calls for poems, job openings, and other opportunities for writers. Blog, with frequent updates. Link
Literary Hub. Not just poetry, but frequently features essays, reviews, and other poetry-related stuff. Link
Mentor & Muse. Essays on poets & poetry. Link On Being. Krista Tippett hosts a weekly, wide-ranging podcast & radio show "Pursuing deep thinking and moral imagination, social courage and joy, to renew inner life, outer life, and life together." Often interviews poets. Also see the related all-poetry project, Poetry Unbound, described below. Link
Poetry Spoken Here. Charlie Rossiter's podcast. Features interviews with poets as well as reviews. New episode each Friday. Link
Poetry Unbound. Pádraig Ó Tuama conducts an "immersive" brief discussion of a single poem, twice weekly. Excellent choices & insights every time. You can sign up for a newsletter and read the transcript of each show on this website. This show is a spin-off from Krista Tippett's equally fine but more general podcast, On Being, which often features poetry too. Link
Poets & Writers. Yes, I know that poets ARE writers, but that's what they call themselves. Link
Sit Down & Write: Poetry Resources. Thanks to Chelsea for alerting me to this page. Link
Submittable. Love it or hate it, you need to sign up. Link
Terrapin Books. My personal favorite poetry press. After you've bought my The Honey of Earth, you'll want to explore the other fine collections. Be sure to check out the anthologies, too. Links will take you to author websites & purchasing info, too. Link
Verse Daily. Like its model, Poetry Daily, this one is invaluable. Link.
Simply Haiku. Journal went out of business in 2009, but the archives are still available, and are excellent. Link
The Slowdown. Is it a blog? A journal? A podcast? A daily poetry email service? It is all the above, and always good. Selections & commentary by Ada Limón, who took over hosting duties from Tracy K. Smith in September 2021. Tune into the podcast to get the full commentaries. Link
Verse-Virtual. More than a journal, a community of poets Link
Verse Wisconsin. No longer publishing, but the archives are still up. Lots of wonderful stuff here: reviews, essays, poems, even a free PDF of the anthology Local Grounds: Midwest Poetics.Link
Vox Populi. Not just poetry here, but their poetry selections are excellent. Link
The Writer's Almanac Garrison Keillor's long-running radio feature has morphed into a podcast, a website, and an email service featuring a poem each day along with literary & historical tidbits. Link
Blogs Tiny sampling, mostly featuring commentary about poetry, or lots of poems not by the bloggers themselves
Best American Poetry. Not just news of their annual anthology, but a highly eclectic blog, featuring poetry news, poems, guest bloggers, reviews, and cultural reflections. Link
Tom Clark's "Beyond the Pale." Archive ends with Clark's death in 2018. But still a cornucopia of fascinating poems, photographs, commentary, and links. Link
James Crews's "The Singing Bowl: Poems for the Soul." Daily poems & reflections from the editor of Healing the Divide: Poems of Kindness & Connection. Link
Martyn Crucefix. An excellent blog frequently touching on poetry. Link
Divedapper. Meaty interviews with contemporary poets. Link
Trish Hopkinson. Very useful aggregation site, updated frequently. All kinds of poetry resources, news, essays, publication tips, and much more. Link
Diane Lockward's "Blogalicious" Notes on poets, poetry, & books by the veteran editor of Terrapin Books. Lots of practical advice about craft & publishing. Also check out Lockward's books on craft as well as interviews with poets and more. Link
Marilyn McCabe's "O Write: Marilynonaroll." Consistently intriguing reflections on the writing life. Links to videopoems, translations, & more. Link
Ursprache. "Aphoristic ars poetica plus quotes related to poetics"Link
Via Negativa ("Purveyors of fine poetry since 2003"). Dave Bonta's always interesting blog, with poems every day, including a poem by Luisa A. Igloria. And lots of other cool stuff; check out the Poetry Blogging Network for "a community of poets in conversation about the writing life." Link